
Otto Jespersen

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Otto Jespersen
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Jens Otto Harry Jespersen ya da Otto Jespersen (d. 16 Temmuz 1860 - ö. 30 Nisan 1943) İngilizce dil bilgisinde uzmanlaşan Danimarkalı dil bilimcidir. Kuzey Judland'da Randers'de doğdu. Kopenhag Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim gördü ve İngilizce, Fransızca ve Latince'den derece kazandı.

Hayatı ve Çalışmaları

Jespersen 1893'ten 1925'e kadar Kopenhag Üniversitesi'nde profesör olarak çalıştı. Paul Passy ile birlikte Uuslararası Ses Bilgisi Derneği'ni kurdu.
En çok bilinen eseri Tarihsel İlkelere Göre Çağdaş İngilizce Dil Bilgisi adlı eseridir.


  • 1889: The articulations of speech sounds represented by means of analphabetic symbols. Marburg: Elwert.
  • 1894: Progress in Language. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • 1905: Growth and Structure of the English Language (ISBN 0-226-39877-3)
  • 1909-1949: A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles (Tarihsel İlkelere Göre Çadaş Bir İngilizce Dil Bilgisi) (7 cilt; the title should be understood as 'A grammar of Modern English') originally published by Carl Winter, Heidelberg, later vols. by Ejnar Munksgard, Copenhagen and George Allen & Unwin, London (ISBN 0-06-493318-0) (Vols. 5-7, issued without series title, have imprint: Copenhagen, E. Munksgaard, 1940-49; Imprint varies: Pt.5-6: London: Allen & Unwin; pt.7: Copenhagen: Munksgaard, London: Allen & Unwin.)
  • 1922: Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin (ISBN 0-04-400007-3)
  • 1924: The Philosophy of Grammar (ISBN 0-226-39881-1)
  • 1928: An International Language (the introduction of the Novial language)
  • 1930: Novial Lexike Novial to English, French and German dictionary.
  • 1937: Analytic Syntax (ISBN 0-226-39880-3)
  • 1938: En sprogmands levned, Copenhagen, Jespersen's autobiography
  • 1993. A literary miscellany: proceedings of the Otto Jespersen Symposium April 29-30, edited by Jørgen Erik Nielsen and Arne Zettersten 1994
  • 1995: A Linguist's Life: an English translation of Otto Jespersen's autobiography, edited by Arne Juul, Hans Frede Nielsen and Jørgen Erik Nielsen, Odense (ISBN 87-7838-132-0)
Denemeler ve Makaleler
  • What is the use of phonetics?, in: Educational Review (February 1910)
  • Nature and Art in Language, in: American Speech 5 (1929), pp. 89ff (Part 1, Part 2)
  • Adversative Conjunctions, in: Linguistics (1933)

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