My older sister,
My older sister, Çigdem Kocaman, was born in Izmir Karşıyaka on 22nd of April in 1985. She is the eldest one of my siblings. She graduated in Piyale Pasa primary school in Izmir. After we settled down as a family in in Trabzon, she studied in Yunus Emre Anatolian high school as secondary school education and studied in Tevfik Serdar Anatolian lycee as a high school education. She became air hostess, by passing its exams.after becoming air hostess, she got engaged and lived in Ankara. She got married on the 2nd of January in 2008.
Annem Hacer Çelik 1 Eylül 1959 tarihinde Trabzon'da doğdu. İlköğrenimini 24 Şubat ilkokulunda, orta öğrenimi Cumhuriyet orta okulunda, liseyi ise Trabzon Lisesi'nde okudu. 24 yaşında babamla tanışıp evlenerek İzmir'e yerleşti. Daha sonra ailevi sebeplerden dolayı memleketimiz olan Trabzon'a yerleştik. Yerleştikten sonra annem bir devlet hastahanesinde işe girerek çalışmaya başladı ve halen daha görevini başarıyla devam ettirmekte.
My mother,
My mother is Hacer Çelik. She was born in Trabzon on the 1st of September in 1959. She studied in 24 February school as a primary school education, in Cumhuriyet secondary school as a secondary school education, in Trabzon Lyceum as lyceum education. She lived in Izmir, by getting married, after she met with my father. Then, because of some family problems , we moved to Trabzon being our motherland. After we settled down, my mother started to work in a state hospital and still she is working there with success.
2 Mart 1955 tarihinde Amasya/Merzifon'da doğdu. İlköğretimi Merzifon/Gazi İlköğretim okulunda tamamladıktan sonra Namık Kemal Lisesini bitirdi. Askerliğini Trabzon'da yaparken annem ile tanışıp evlenirler. Parlak iş kariyerinde çok farklı alanlarda çalışmıştır. Şu an İstanbul'da kargo ve taşımacılık sektöründe iş hayatını devam ettirmektedir.
My father,
He was born in Amasya/Merzifon on the 2nd of March. After completing his primary education in in Gazi primary school in Merzion, he graduated in Namik Kemal Lyceum. While doing his military service in Trabzon, he met and got married with my mother. He has worked in many different fields on his bright carreer. Now he continues his working life in cargo and carrier sector in Istanbul.