Layla Miller
Universe: Marvel UniverseLayla Miller is a teenage girl who resides with her parents in a middle-class home in New York's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood. Until recently, Miller was unaware of her genetic mutation. The exact nature and full extent of Miller's abilities can not be determined at this time, despite attempts by Xavier Institute headmistress Emma Frost to discern more. Frost's preliminary mental probing indicates that Miller's mutation may not be conventional, however. Miller has been seen in the proximity of prominent superhumans, including Wolverine and Luke Cage. Although no conspicuous behavior could be observed prior to the manifestation of Miller's abilities, recent actions indicate that Miller may intend to take a more active role.Real Name: Layla MillerSponsorlu Bağlantılar
Aliases: Butterfly, The Girl Who Knows Stuff
Identity: No dual identity
Occupation: -
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Place of Birth: -
Known Relatives: -
Group Affiliation: X-Factor Investigations
Education: -
Able to unlock deep subconscious memories. She also has precognitive and telepathic abilities.
Biyografi Konusu: Layla Miller nereli hayatı kimdir.