
Nocturne / Talia Wagner

Güncelleme: 24 Mart 2007 Gösterim: 6.906 Cevap: 1
Misafir - avatarı
19 Mart 2007       Mesaj #1
Misafir - avatarı
Nocturne / Talia Wagner
Universe: Marvel Universe, formerly alternate Earth
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Real Name:
Talia Josephine Wagner
: "T.J."
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Adventurer, reality traveler, lead singer Citizenship: U.S.A.
Place of Birth
: New York City, New York of alternate Earth
Known Relatives
: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler (alternate reality), father), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch (alternate reality), mother)
Group Affiliation:
Excalibur; formerly Exiles, Brotherhood Of Mutants, X-Men (of her home reality), Butt Monkeys
Education: College graduate
Ad:  Nocturne(TaliaWagner)_Head.jpg
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Able to intangibly enter other's bodies and possess them for up to 12 hours. After she departs, the possessed is usually dazed and sometimes left comatose for up to 24 hours. Able to fire "Hex Bolts" consisting of energy from the dimension her father teleports through. Limited telepathy. Her connection to her father's dimension renders her functionally invisible in the dark. Her physiology grants her incredible agility. Nocturne possesses indigo skin, three fingers and toes on each hand and foot (respectively), pointed ears, a retractable and prehensile tail, and no visible pupils.

T.J. Wagner is the daughter of two of her reality’s most successful heroes, Nightcrawler of the X-Men and the Scarlet Witch of the Avengers. She was raised primarily in the X-Men Mansion. Her mother continued to serve with the Avengers separated from Nightcrawler since her parents were unable to effectively go on missions together without compromising their team's safety. Nocturne trained hard and eventually became an X-Man. She fell in love with her fellow X-Man, James Proudstar, and had a tumultuous relationship with him.
Nocturne awoke one night to find herself unhinged from time. The mysterious Timebroker informed her if she did not join the Exiles her father would die at the hands of Mystique during a battle with the Hellfire Club.
Nocturne soon found she disliked the life-or-death missions but she enjoyed her new team. She began to fall in love with her teammate, T-Bird. Ironically, T-Bird was John Proudstar, the other reality older brother of her boyfriend. The relationship was a rocky one, but the two were able to work it out and stay together.
On a world where the Exiles were being held captive by the Skrulls, Nocturne discovered she was pregnant. Nocturne told T-Bird and both were excited about the impending birth. Unfortunately, T-Bird sacrificed his life on that same world to drive Galactus away from Earth. Nocturne hoped the Exiles would be able to wait for John to recover from his wounds but the team was forced to leave T-Bird behind. Nocturne eventually lost the baby and spent a lot of time away from her teammates despite their offers of support.
In a reality taken over by a Warlock infected Legacy Virus, Nocturne and her teammates were informed by the Tallus that they must defeat the Vi-Locks. Nocturne volunteered to pilot a plane filled with nuclear weapons into the Vi-Lock Hive. Mimic nerve pinched her and took her place. Mimic survived and the team moved forward, victorious.
On a mission in the Marvel Universe (Earth-616), the Exiles were forced to leave Nocturne behind. Exodus invited her to join his new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and she accepted in order to infiltrate their team. During their assault on the X-Mansion it appeared as if Nocturne had been killed by the Juggernaut but that was not the case. Nocturne helped the X-Men defeat the Brotherhood, but unfortunately she and the rest of the Brotherhood were sucked into the portal in Xorn’s head. She ending up in Mojo's realm, before escaping back to Earth-616. With the Juggernaut, she has recently joined the new incarnation of Excalibur.

Biyografi Konusu: Nocturne / Talia Wagner nereli hayatı kimdir.
HayLaZ61 - avatarı
24 Mart 2007       Mesaj #2
HayLaZ61 - avatarı
Daughter of Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, Nocturne inherited her father's blue fur, three-toed hands and feet, a tail, yellow eyes and pointed ears, as well as an energy blasting ability like her mother's "hex bolts." As a second-generation mutant, however, Nocturne also developed her own mutant power, the ability to physically possess another person and influence their movements for up to one lunar cycle, hence her codename. Talia also possesses a limited form of telepathy, and a retractable tail.
In Nocturne's home reality, her father leads the X-Men along with Wolverine. Talia grew up with the X-Men, and became immune to the queasiness usually induced by her dad's teleportation after riding on his back through hundreds of 'ports when she was a kid. She became a full member of the team, and also had a band called Butt Monkeys. It appears she was involved with James Proudstar (Thunderbird) in this reality. For a long time she lived in her father's shadow, and he trained her very hard, often at the expense of her feelings. However, when Cyclops (who had left the X-Men) attacked the mansion leading the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, TJ was out with Kitty Pryde, who had been switched across dimensions with her younger self. Upon returning and seeing the attack, TJ was able to rally the students to delay the attack, then she possessed her teammate Armageddon, a telekinetic, to free Wolverine and kill the insane Cyclops. Having proved her skills and ability, she was able to reconcile somewhat with her father.
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T.J. was the first member of the Exiles to become "unstuck in time," but she has never assumed any kind of leadership role, and maintains her freewheeling attitude. Over time, she became intimate with the Exiles' own Thunderbird, and she got pregnant from him. One of her hardest missions was the trial of Phoenix, in which she had to fight an incarnation of her "Aunt Jean," and had to ignore that world's version of her father during that difficult time. Outstripping it by far was the mission to a Skrull-dominated Earth, in which she (and the others) were forced to fight in gladiatorial combat against other super-beings. That mission ended with the arrival of Galactus, and with Thunderbird's self-sacrifice to save the world. Due to the stress of losing her lover, TJ lost the baby a few weeks later, an incident she kept secret for weeks. She has become withdrawn and depressed, and refuses to talk about her feelings.
200px Nocturne NE

Nocturne (New Excalibur)

Over time, TJ healed and became a mainstay of the team. On her first visit to
Earth 616, she met and bonded with Nightcrawler (616), who thought that her parents' pairing was intriguing. Later, TJ was left behind on Earth 616, and was about to knock on the X-Mansion and see her "father" again when a mysterious stranger intercepted her and made her another offer.
A few months later, Nocturne showed up as a member of Exodus's Brotherhood in an attack on Philadelphia. While her teammates were mostly homicidal, Nocturne did her best to keep civilians out of harm's way. The X-Men defeated the Brotherhood, prompting Exodus to attack the X-Mansion, using Juggernaut as his ace in the hole. Juggernaut recognized TJ as a hero and seemingly beat her to a pulp. In fact, TJ told him she was trying to figure out Exodus's moves and Juggernaut told her he was undercover. When the fighting actually started, Nocturne was able to possess Black Tom Cassidy, the most dangerous foe, long enough for him to be swept into the black hole in Xorn II's head. Unfortunately, Nocturne was swept into the black hole too.
Nocturne and Juggernaut apparently ended up on Mojoworld, where they were sold to Mojo himself. Nocturne was able to possess Spiral and force her to open a portal to Earth, and they emerged in the Danger Room. However, though TJ's possessions usually knock her hosts out for 24 hours, Spiral was faking, and she kept the portal open to allow Mojo to follow TJ and Juggernaut back to Earth. Spiral changed them and the X-Men to babies (except the newly-resurrected Psylocke), but the X-Men managed to defeat Mojo and regain their rightful forms.
During the House of M reality, Nocturne was sought after by Callisto's Marauders for having royal Magnus blood (being an alternate daughter of the Scarlet Witch), but was protected by Psylocke and Marvel Girl. Marvel Girl allowed TJ to possess her in order to keep her out of the Marauder's reach, but Nocturne ended up taking control, and in a confused daze, flew up and out. Psylocke pursued, eventually culminating in a telekinetic blade battle, which Psylocke won. This allowed Marvel girl's own consciousness to resurface. After the House of M event, Nocturne joined New Excalibur, alongside Juggernaut, Sage, Dazzler, Captain Britain, and Pete Wisdom. During her time with New Excalibur, Nocturne has developed the ability to possess people without knocking them unconscious

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