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Güncelleme: 24 Mart 2007 Gösterim: 3.268 Cevap: 1
Misafir - avatarı
19 Mart 2007       Mesaj #1
Misafir - avatarı
Universe: Marvel Universe
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Real Name:
: None
: Secret
: (Kuan-Yin) Former terrorist, teacher, adventurer; (Shen) Former adventurer
Citizenship: China
Place of Birth:
Xianjiang Uygur, China
Known Relatives:
Unidentified parents, unidentified aunt & uncle
Group Affiliation:
(Kuan-Yin) Formerly Brotherhood of Mutants, Xavier Institute Faculty, X-Men; (Shen) Formerly X-Men
Education: Unrevealed
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The Xorns' possess miniature stars in their brains, each having a primary state. Kuan-Yin's star manifested as a sun, while Shen's star manifests as a black hole. Kuan-Yin's sun was capable of emitting blinding light that could instantly incinerate another being. Shen's black hole emits an intense gravity field that not even light can escape. The Xorns are capable of reversing their stars' natural states. That is, Kuan-Yin could cause his star to collapse in on itself to form a black hole, while Shen is able to cause his star to flare into a sun. The Xorns can also feel the movement of energy and emotion on many scales. They possess gravitational senses that allow them to manipulate energy for a variety of purposes, including warping of gravitic fields, sensing when a death has occurred in their vicinity, shaking gravitational particles in the air around them to allow them to speak other languages, and to heal others. Given the nature of their mutant abilities, the Xorns do not need to breathe, nor do they require food or water to survive.

The Xorns' heads are encased in metal helmets so as to safeguard those around them from the effects of their stars.
The Xorn brothers' mutant natures manifested as tiny stars inside their heads that flared out of control, devastating their small village in China until villagers managed to clamp metal masks around what was left of their heads. The anti-mutant Communist regime separated the brothers, keeping Shen in isolation in the village while Kuan-Yin was incarcerated in an underground prison. Kuan-Yin escaped once, but was recaptured soon after and a new prison constructed around him. Meanwhile, the Chinese government formed the Eight Immortals to keep Shen secure. Later, Kuan-Yin's warden made a deal to sell him to John Sublime, who sought to harvest Kuan-Yin's mutant mind. Rather than face such a grisly fate, Kuan-Yin attempted suicide by reversing the power of his star, creating a black hole that threatened to destroy the world. The X-Men arrived to defuse the situation by inviting Kuan-Yin to join the team. He accepted, but first sought time to meditate. Cyclops later visited Kuan-Yin to seek help against the threat of Nano-Sentinels released by the malevolent Cassandra Nova. They were captured by the alien Shi'ar's Imperial Guard, which had fallen under Nova's control, but managed to escape to the Xavier Institute where Kuan-Yin healed the X-Men, allowing them to better oppose Nova.
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Kuan-Yin subsequently took up a teaching position at the Institute and came to instruct the Special Class, into which he unsuccessfully attempted to recruit the powerful young mutant Carter Ghazikhanian. At some point, Kuan-Yin was coerced by an unknown party into believing he was the X-Men's nemesis Magneto, and he launched a devastating attack on Manhattan which was opposed by the X-Men. Kuan-Yin killed Jean Grey and was subsequently slain by Wolverine. Later, the X-Men were called to China after Shen's powers had again flared out of control. Opposed by the Eight Immortals, the Chinese Army, and Chinese national hero the Collective Man, the X-Men prevailed. After taking Shen to the Institute, he sensed that the individual responsible for his brother's corruption had been hiding amongst the X-Men for some time, and was still in their midst. Shen subsequently joined the X-Men in opposing an attack by the Brotherhood of Mutants. To stop the killing, Shen saw no alternative but to release his black hole, pulling the villains into the void. He then left the X-Men to reflect on the immensity of his actions.
After the events of M-Day, Xorn's consciousness took control of the collected energies of the Earth's depowered mutants and attempted to bond with the Magneto, in exile in Genosha. The Sentry forced the collective into the sun, seemingly ridding the world of Xorn once and for all.

Biyografi Konusu: Xorn nereli hayatı kimdir.
HayLaZ61 - avatarı
24 Mart 2007       Mesaj #2
HayLaZ61 - avatarı
Xorn debuts in New X-Men Annual 2001 imprisoned in an iron prison by the Chinese government where a corrupt mutant official offers to sell him to John Sublime. Xorn is forced to wear a skull-like mask designed to restrain his energy output, which would have the power to incinerate matter. The X-Men and Sublime's U-Men find Xorn just as he is attempting to commit suicide by removing his mask, which will envelop the earth in a black hole. Cyclops (with the help of Emma Frost) is able to establish contact with Xorn, convincing him not to kill himself and offers him a position among the X-Men. Xorn accepts the offer, but doesn't show up again until New X-Men #122, where Cyclops tracks him down to a monastery where he is told by the monks that Xorn has demonstrated healing powers. The pair are captured by the Shi'ar but arrive at the X-Mansion in time for Xorn to heal the X-Men of a nano-Sentinel infection, restoring Professor Xavier's ability to walk in the process.
Despite the ordeals through which he had passed, Xorn is optimistic, open and even somewhat naive. Xorn keeps a diary to share his thoughts with Professor Xavier, since Xavier is "blinded by the sun beneath [his] mask" and cannot read his mind.
[1] Here he details his interactions with Chinese immigrants and the residents of Mutant Town in New York City, in particular an incident where he failed to save a young mutant from being killed by frightened policemen. Xorn is soon put in charge of the "Special Class", a group of physical and social misfits attending the Xavier Institute. Though he hopes to befriend these students, he becomes disillusioned as they began to mock and insult him. He remains determined to help his "Special Class," even saving their lives from a group of U-Men.
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180px Magxorn
Xorn unmasks himself as
Magneto in New X-Men #146. Art by Phil Jimenez

In the storyline "
Planet X", Xorn takes off his mask, revealing himself to be none other than the X-Men's arch-nemesis Magneto, who has been believed dead since the destruction of Genosha. Magneto explains that the Xorn identity was merely a ruse crafted, along with the prison in China, with the help of supporters in China in order to infiltrate the X-Men.[2] Having returned Xavier to a crippled state (Xavier had not been healed - Magneto merely used the nano-Sentinels to "glue" his spine together), Magneto levels the X-Mansion and takes over New York City, where he enslaves the human population and destroys much of the city. He attempts to recreate the Brotherhood with Toad, the rebellious Stepford CuckooEsme, and the members of Xorn's "Special Class."
Magneto finds however that many of his recruits are unresponsive to his ideas and approach, with some asking for the return of much more humane Xorn and others doubtful that Magneto has truly returned, much to his chagrin. Indecisive and relying heavily on the drug Kick to augment his power, he struggles to maintain the loyalty and respect of his followers. He announces a plan to invert the planet by reversing its magnetic poles, and employs increasingly
fascistic methods (including the construction of a Nazi-esque crematorium in which he plans to eradicate the remaining human population of the city). He also appears to be experiencing a form of Multiple Personality Disorder, as the "Xorn" persona begins to manifest itself as a voice within Magneto's head, claiming to be the embodiment of Magneto's wisdom, idealism and nobility. After his defeat at the hands of the X-Men but before his capture, he fatally wounds Jean Grey. This drives Wolverine berserk, who then decapitates him.

Son düzenleyen asla_asla_deme; 26 Nisan 2012 10:34 Sebep: Kaynak Vikipedi
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