

Güncelleme: 19 Aralık 2007 Gösterim: 4.385 Cevap: 0
Misafir - avatarı
19 Aralık 2007       Mesaj #1
Misafir - avatarı
Universe: Marvel Universe
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
Real Name: Ares
Aliases: God of War, Mars, Mister Talon, the Warhawk
Identity: Secret
Occupation: God of War; former construction worker
Citizenship: estranged citizen of Olympus
Place of Birth: Olympus
Known Relatives: Zeus (father); Hera (mother); Enyo (wife, possibly deceased); Deimos, Phobos (sons), Neptune and Pluto (uncles); Demeter and Hestia (aunts); Apollo, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hercules (Heracles), Hermes (half-brothers); Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena (half-sisters)
Group Affiliation: Avengers, Olympian gods
Education: Unrevealed
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 500 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Reddish-brown
Ad:  440px-Ares(Olympian)_Head.jpg
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Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes. Ares is also an immortal with an unending lifespan. He can be wounded during battle but due to his Olympian nature he heals very quickly. Only an injury of such magnitude that it incinerates all or a portion of his bodily molecules could cause him physical death. He has also been shown to be injured by weapons of magical nature such as Mjolnir the hammer of Thor.
Ares is a master of a variety of hand-to-hand combat skills. Also Ares is a master of all Olympian weaponry and most human weapons ranging from clubs to firearms and explosives. Well versed in military tactics, torture, combat engineering, and a vast amount of military history particularly focusing on battles and wars that involved Greek and Roman (or Italian) soldiers and armies. Ares is one of the most talented and ruthless soldiers that has ever fought on Earth.
Has carried a variety of different weapons as needed including swords, spears, battleaxes, daggers, guns, rifles, grenades, and anything else that can be used as a weapon.
Formerly wore Olympian battle armor forged by Hephaestus
First Appearance
Thor #129 (1966)
Ares is the son of Zeus, monarch of the Olympian Gods, and his wife Hera. Ares was worshiped as the god of war in both ancient Greece and ancient Rome. After the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire , Zeus allowed the worship of the Olympians to die out, and Ares was no longer allowed to act as patron god of warriors. As a result over the ensuing centuries Ares grew increasingly dissatisfied with Zeus’ rule. He has tried to conquer Olympus on several occasions sometimes in league with his uncle Pluto, god of the Olympian underworld. His half-brother Hercules has opposed his attempts at conquest almost every time sometimes with the help of his allies including Thor the Asgardian god of thunder, and the Avengers. Ares has hated Hercules since Hercules killed Ares’ monstrous Stymphalian birds during Hercules’ original twelve labors.
Ares has fought the Avengers on numerous occasions, as well as his half-brother Hercules. Ares has also fought the Champions, the Eternal Ikaris and a variety of other denizens of Earth. Recently warriors from the East have attacked Olympus and the Olympians have sought the assistance of Ares. Ares who had retired from warfare and the life of the gods has only recently joined the battle due to the kidnapping of his son.
Wanting his son to live the life of a mortal instead of under the rule of his father, Ares decided to raise his son on Earth instead of Olympus. While at work Ares was confronted by Ms. Marvel and Iron Man to register under the Superhuman Registration Act and offered a job as an Avenger. Ares agreed as long as they would match his hourly pay.

Biyografi Konusu: Ares nereli hayatı kimdir.

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