/usay scriptinde bildigiminz gibi /usay <mesaj> yazinca sanki karsindaki adam yolluyormus gibi oluyor..
Ama yanliz, bunda yazi stili ayni olmuyor senin kendi yazi stilin gidiyor..
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Ama yanliz, bunda yazi stili ayni olmuyor senin kendi yazi stilin gidiyor..

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STATE_INACTIVE = 0; STATE_RUNNING = 1; STATE_FINISHING = 2; CHANGE_NAME_LATENCY = 1000; var cur_state = STATE_INACTIVE; var original_name; var contact_name; var message_to_send; var chat_window; var retry_count; var dll_name; function OnGetScriptCommands() { var commands = '<ScriptCommands>'; commands+='<Command>'; commands+='<Name>usay</Name>'; commands+='<Description>Impresonate as the contact you are talking with</Description>'; commands+='<Parameters/>'; commands+='</Command>'; commands+='</ScriptCommands>'; return commands; } function OnEvent_Initialize( MessengerStart ) { Debug.Trace("INIT"); dll_name = MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath; dll_name += "\\USay.dll"; Interop.Call( dll_name, "USay_Init" ); } function OnEvent_Uninitialize( MessengerExit ) { Interop.FreeDll( dll_name ); } function ShowHelp() { var helpstr; helpstr = "In normal chat, Use:\n\r" + " /usay <message>\n\r" + "\n\r" + "In group chat, Use:\n\r" + " /usay <contact email> <message>\n\r" + " - or -\n\r" + " /usay <contact name> <message>\n\r" + " - or -\n\r" + " /usay <contact number> <message>\n\r" + "\n\r" + "You can also:\n\r" + " Get a numerical list of contacts:\n\r" + " /usay /list\n\r" + " Show about screen:\n\r" + " /usay /about\n\r" + " Show help:\n\r" + " /usay /help\n\r" + " - or solely -\n\r" + " /usay"; Interop.Call( "User32.dll", "MessageBoxW", 0, helpstr, "USay - Help", 0 ); } function ShowContacts( Contacts ) { var helpstring = ''; //iterate through all contacts and create a list var i = new Enumerator( Contacts ); var j = 0; while( !i.atEnd() ) { var Contact = i.item(); helpstring += j; helpstring += " - "; helpstring += Contact.Name; helpstring += " ( " helpstring += Contact.Email; helpstring += " )\n\r"; j++; i.moveNext(); } Interop.Call("User32.dll", "MessageBoxW", 0, helpstring, "USay - List", 0); } function CheckArgs( Arg, ChatWnd ) { var forceexit = false; if( Arg == null ) Arg = "/help"; switch( Arg.toLowerCase() ) { case "/help": ShowHelp(); forceexit = true; break; case "/about": Interop.Call( dll_name, "USay_About" ); forceexit = true; break; case "/list": ShowContacts( ChatWnd.Contacts ); forceexit = true; break; default: } return forceexit; } function IsNumeric( str ) { var legal = "0123456789"; var c; for ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) { c = str.charAt( i ); if ( legal.indexOf( c ) == -1 ) { return false; } } return true; } function GetContactEmail( Arg, Contacts ) { var i; //1st priority = email i = new Enumerator( Contacts ); while( !i.atEnd() ) { var Contact = i.item(); if( Contact.Email == Arg ) { return Contact.Email; } i.moveNext(); } //2nd priority = name i.moveFirst(); while( !i.atEnd() ) { var Contact = i.item(); if( Contact.Name == Arg ) { return Contact.Email; } i.moveNext(); } //3rd priority = number if( IsNumeric( Arg ) ) { i.moveFirst(); for( j=0; j<Arg; j++ ) { if( i.atEnd() ) { return null; } i.moveNext(); } return i.item().Email; } //no such contact return null; } function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage( ChatWnd, Message ) { chat_window = ChatWnd; Command = Message.split(' '); var j=0; var abort = false; switch ( Command[j].toLowerCase() ) { case "/usay": j++; //if no text or system arg, just go do nothing if( CheckArgs( Command[j], ChatWnd ) ) { Message = ''; return Message; } var i = new Enumerator( ChatWnd.Contacts ); var thedude; switch( ChatWnd.Contacts.Count ) { case 1: thedude = i.item(); break; //we dont really get here in real life case 0: //talking to myself again? helpstring = "It seems like nobody wants to talk to you\n\rAre you talking to yourself again?"; Interop.Call("User32.dll", "MessageBoxW", 0, helpstring, "USay - Error", 0); abort = true; break; default: //gangbang mode var contact_email = GetContactEmail( Command[j], ChatWnd.Contacts ); if( contact_email == null ) { //wtf? helpstring = "Contact not found! type '/usay /help' for help, '/usay /list' for contact list"; Interop.Call("User32.dll", "MessageBoxW", 0, helpstring, "USay - Error", 0); //make an exception :) abort = true; } else { thedude = i.item(); while( !i.atEnd() && i.item().Email != contact_email ) { i.moveNext(); } j++; } } // i got the contact, now go ahead if( !abort ) { Debug.Trace( "USING: " + contact_email ); //might do something with the contact fonr in the future //like using it in MY window contact_font = Interop.Call2( dll_name, "USay_SuggestContactFont", thedude.Email ); //go on craete the new message message_to_send = ''; while( Command[j] != null ) { message_to_send += Command[j]; j++ if( Command[j] != null ) message_to_send += ' '; } //get start the magic original_name = Messenger.MyName; contact_name = thedude.Name; cur_state = STATE_RUNNING; if( original_name == contact_name ) { contact_name += ' '; } Messenger.MyName = contact_name; Debug.Trace("CONTACT NAME SET"); } Message = ''; break; default: } return Message; } function OnEvent_MyNameChange( NewName ) { switch( cur_state ) { case STATE_RUNNING: if( NewName == contact_name ) { cur_state = STATE_FINISHING; retry_count = 3 MsgPlus.AddTimer( 'sendmessage', CHANGE_NAME_LATENCY ); } break; case STATE_FINISHING: if( NewName == original_name ) { cur_state = STATE_INACTIVE; Debug.Trace( "NAME RESTORED" ); MsgPlus.CancelTimer( 'restorename' ); } break; case STATE_INACTIVE: //for some odd reason i get my contact name set again if( NewName == contact_name ) { Messenger.MyName = original_name; MsgPlus.AddTimer( 'restorename', 500 ); } break; } } function OnEvent_Timer( TimerId ) { switch( TimerId ) { case 'restorename': Messenger.MyName = original_name; //do this until my name REALLY changes if( Messenger.MyName != original_name ) { MsgPlus.AddTimer( 'restorename', 500 ); } break; case 'sendmessage': chat_window.SendMessage( message_to_send ); MsgPlus.AddTimer( 'restorename', 500 ); break; default: } }