
Ulusal bayramlarımızı anlatan İngilizce metinleri nasıl bulurum?

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En İyi Cevap Var Güncelleme: 15 Mayıs 2012 Gösterim: 14.854 Cevap: 7
Ziyaretç - avatarı
12 Mart 2009       Mesaj #1
Ziyaretç - avatarı
merhaba bana ingilizce ulusal bayramlarımız lazım hoca 10 sayfa istedi bide lise 1 düzeyinde olursa sevinirim proje ödevim çok önemli ve acil bulursanız çok sevinirim

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19 May, the "Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day" which marks the 81st anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk''s landing in Anatolia from Istanbul to launch the Turkish War of Independence is celebrated with ceremonies throughout the country.

On May 19th 2006, all high-ranking officials attended the ceremonies which started at 09.00 a.m. at Atatürk''s Mausoleum. The President, The Chairman of Parliament, The Prime Minister, The Chief of General Staff, leaders of political parties, high judicial council chairmen, the commanders of the Armed Forces and civilian and military high-ranking officials were present at the ceremony. President Ahmet Necdet Sezer laid a wreath at Atatürk''s Mausoleum and observed a minute''s silence. Following the playing of the National Anthem , President Sezer signed the visitor''s book at the Mausoleum.

Following the visit to the Mausoleum, celebrations were held at the 19 May Stadium. The celebrations attended by all state officials, began when President Sezer took his place in the Stadium and the National Anthem was played. During the celebrations National Education Minister Metin Bostancioglu delivered a speech. A flag brought by students from Samsun, and a bag of soil and a flag from Salonica were presented to the President.


The Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I along with its allies. Many parts of Anatolia, including the capital, Istanbul, were occupied by the enemy. Realizing that it was impossible to liberate Istanbul, occupied as it was by the naval forces of foreign countries, Mustafa Kemal Pasha decided to move on to Anatolia. The ship, the ''Bandirma'' transported Ataturk and his entourage to Samsun, the best landing point on the Black Sea coast under the circumstances, and they landed there on 19 May 1919, after a five-day voyage. On the day Mustafa Kemal left for Samsun, Izmir was occupied by Greek forces and the Greeks began to invade Western Anatolia.

Mustafa Kemal proceeded to Amasya from Samsun and later to Erzurum in Eastern Anatolia, resigned from his official post and started making preparations for the Erzurum and Sivas Congresses. He then went to Ankara where he convened the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23 April 1920. After fierce fighting with the invading enemy forces, Anatolia was liberated in September, 1922, and the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed on 29 October 1923.

Atatürk dedicated 19 May, the first stage of the War of Independence, to the youth and ever since then, it has been celebrated as "Youth and Sports Day" wherever Turks reside.


Son düzenleyen SEDEPH; 12 Mart 2009 20:34
Keten Prenses - avatarı
Keten Prenses
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12 Mart 2009       Mesaj #2
Keten Prenses - avatarı
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23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day

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This national day (23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day) in Turkey is a unique event. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation. It was on April 23, 1920, during the War of Independence, that the Grand National Assembly met in Ankara and laid down the foundations of a new, independent, secular, and modern republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. Following the defeat of the Allied invasion forces on September 9, 1922 and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923, Ataturk started his task of establishing the institutions of the new state. Over the next eight years, Ataturk and his followers adopted sweeping reforms to create a modern Turkey, divorced from her Ottoman past. In unprecedented moves, he dedicated the sovereignty day to the children and entrusted in the hands of the youth the protection of this sovereignty and independence.
Every year, the children in Turkey celebrate this "Sovereignty and Children's Day" as a national holiday. Schools participate in week-long ceremonies marked by performances in all fields in large stadiums watched by the entire nation. Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials and high ranking bureaucrats in their offices. The President, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Ministers, provincial governors all turn over their positions to children's representatives. These children, in turn, sign executive orders relating to educational and environmental policies. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues.
Over the last two decades, the Turkish officials have been working hard to internationalize this important day. Their efforts resulted in large number of world states' sending groups of children to Turkey to participate in the above stated festivities. During their stay in Turkey, the foreign children are housed in Turkish homes and find an important opportunity to interact with the Turkish kids and learn about each other's countries and cultures. The foreign children groups also participate in the special session of the Grand National Assembly. This results in a truly international Assembly where children pledge their commitment to international peace and brotherhood.

Quo vadis?
Keten Prenses - avatarı
Keten Prenses
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12 Mart 2009       Mesaj #3
Keten Prenses - avatarı
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"Sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the people" M. Kemal Atatürk
This national day (23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day) in Turkey is a unique event. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation. It was on April 23, 1920, during the War of Independence, that the Grand National Assembly met in Ankara and laid down the foundations of a new, independent, secular, and modern republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. Following the defeat of the Allied invasion forces on September 9, 1922 and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24, 1923, Ataturk started his task of establishing the institutions of the new state. Over the next eight years, Ataturk and his followers adopted sweeping reforms to create a modern Turkey, divorced from her Ottoman past. In unprecedented moves, he dedicated the sovereignty day to the children and entrusted in the hands of the youth the protection of this sovereignty and independence.
Every year, the children in Turkey celebrate this "Sovereignty and Children's Day" as a national holiday. Schools participate in week-long ceremonies marked by performances in all fields in large stadiums watched by the entire nation. Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials and high ranking bureaucrats in their offices. The President, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Ministers, provincial governors all turn over their positions to children's representatives. These children, in turn, sign executive orders relating to educational and environmental policies. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues.
Over the last two decades, the Turkish officials have been working hard to internationalize this important day. Their efforts resulted in large number of world states' sending groups of children to Turkey to participate in the above stated festivities. During their stay in Turkey, the foreign children are housed in Turkish homes and find an important opportunity to interact with the Turkish kids and learn about each other's countries and cultures. The foreign children groups also participate in the special session of the Grand National Assembly. This results in a truly international Assembly where children pledge their commitment to international peace and brotherhood.
The importance of April 23 as a special day of children has been recognized by the international community. UNICEF decided to recognize this important day as the International Children's Day.
This article was distributed to the guests of the first April 23 Children's Day on University of Missouri-Columbia Campus, which was organized by the Turkish Students' Association in April, 1992
Quo vadis?
SEDEPH - avatarı
12 Mart 2009       Mesaj #4
SEDEPH - avatarı
Bu mesaj 'en iyi cevap' seçilmiştir.

19 May, the "Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day" which marks the 81st anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk''s landing in Anatolia from Istanbul to launch the Turkish War of Independence is celebrated with ceremonies throughout the country.

On May 19th 2006, all high-ranking officials attended the ceremonies which started at 09.00 a.m. at Atatürk''s Mausoleum. The President, The Chairman of Parliament, The Prime Minister, The Chief of General Staff, leaders of political parties, high judicial council chairmen, the commanders of the Armed Forces and civilian and military high-ranking officials were present at the ceremony. President Ahmet Necdet Sezer laid a wreath at Atatürk''s Mausoleum and observed a minute''s silence. Following the playing of the National Anthem , President Sezer signed the visitor''s book at the Mausoleum.

Following the visit to the Mausoleum, celebrations were held at the 19 May Stadium. The celebrations attended by all state officials, began when President Sezer took his place in the Stadium and the National Anthem was played. During the celebrations National Education Minister Metin Bostancioglu delivered a speech. A flag brought by students from Samsun, and a bag of soil and a flag from Salonica were presented to the President.


The Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I along with its allies. Many parts of Anatolia, including the capital, Istanbul, were occupied by the enemy. Realizing that it was impossible to liberate Istanbul, occupied as it was by the naval forces of foreign countries, Mustafa Kemal Pasha decided to move on to Anatolia. The ship, the ''Bandirma'' transported Ataturk and his entourage to Samsun, the best landing point on the Black Sea coast under the circumstances, and they landed there on 19 May 1919, after a five-day voyage. On the day Mustafa Kemal left for Samsun, Izmir was occupied by Greek forces and the Greeks began to invade Western Anatolia.

Mustafa Kemal proceeded to Amasya from Samsun and later to Erzurum in Eastern Anatolia, resigned from his official post and started making preparations for the Erzurum and Sivas Congresses. He then went to Ankara where he convened the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23 April 1920. After fierce fighting with the invading enemy forces, Anatolia was liberated in September, 1922, and the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed on 29 October 1923.

Atatürk dedicated 19 May, the first stage of the War of Independence, to the youth and ever since then, it has been celebrated as "Youth and Sports Day" wherever Turks reside.

Keten Prenses - avatarı
Keten Prenses
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12 Mart 2009       Mesaj #5
Keten Prenses - avatarı
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Turkish Republic’s Day

Today (October 29th 2005) marks the 82nd anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Please join me in celebrating this beautiful day by remembering the people who lost their lives, loved ones against the forces dividing our country. We, as Turks, owe this precious land to everyone who fought for freedom under Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s leadership.
Following is his address to the Turkish Youth:
You, the Turkish youth! Your primary duty is to forever protect and defend the Turkish independence and Turkish Republic. This is the mainstay of your existence and of your future.
This foundation is your most precious treasure in the future, as well, there will be malevolents, within and abroad, who will seek to deny your birthright. If one day you are compelled to defend your independence and the republic, you shall not reflect on the conditions and possibilities of the situation in which you find yourself, in order to accomplish your mission. These conditions and possibilities may appear unfavorable. The adversaries who scheme against your independence and your Republic may be the representatives of a victory without precedent in the world. By force or by ruse, all citadels and all arsenals of our dear fatherland
may have been taken; all of its armies may have been dispersed and all corners of the country may have been physically occupied. More distressing and more grievous than all these, those who hold and exercise the power within the country may have fallen into gross error, blunder, and even treason. These holders of power may have even united their personal interests with political ambitions of the invaders. The nation itself may have fallen into privation, and may have become exhausted and desolate.
You, the future sons and daughters of Turkey! Even under such circumstances and conditions, your duty is to redeem Turkish independence and the Republic! The strength you shall need exists in the noble blood flowing through your veins.
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


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Quo vadis?
Misafir - avatarı
4 Nisan 2010       Mesaj #6
Misafir - avatarı
23 nisan ulusal egemenlik ve çocuk bayramı
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güzel kız
8 Mayıs 2012       Mesaj #7
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peki nasıl kullanıldığı yazılmıyomu
Misafir - avatarı
15 Mayıs 2012       Mesaj #8
Misafir - avatarı
ingilizce ulusal bayramlar ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi istiyorum(türk bayramlarının ingilizcesi)(ramazan kurban=

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