program sadece msn kullanırken kullanıcı adımı ve parolamı anımsa bölümleri seçilmiş olarak girilmiş msn adreslerini gösterebiliyor. daha önce msn adresi giripte bu özellikleri yani anımsamayı seçmediyseniz malesef onlar çıkmıyor
i wanna know the password of this email address *censored* any one help me?
These programs help recover lost/forgotten passwords for e-mail addresses already registered in your computer. You can't use them to hack addresses that belong to others.
1. Your Windows Live ID>2. Your First and Last Names>3. Date of Birth (Month/Date/Year)>4. Country or Region>5. State (if applicable)>6. Zip or Postal Code>7. Your IP address. List the IP addresses from each computer that you>use to access your account. You can go to - to>find this information. The numbers that appear at the top of this page>will be your IP address.>8. Answer to your Secret Question (if applicable)>9. Alternate email address associated with the account (if applicable)>10. Your Internet Service Provider. An ISP is a company that provides an>end user with a connection to the Internet and other similar services,>such as e-mail. Examples include MSNIA, EarthLink, and Comcast.>11. Last date and time you successfully signed in>>>For Windows Live Mail customers>>>12. Any folders you created (aside from the default folders)>13. Contacts in your address book (please include the e-mail address)>14. Subjects of any old mail that is in your Inbox or mail folders>>>For Windows Live Messenger customers>>>15. A list of Contacts in your buddy list (please include the e-mail>address)>16. Your Windows Live Messenger Nickname (your Messenger display name)Bunların çevirisini yapabilirmisiniz bana