arkadaslar ben dedıgınızı yaptım ve yaklaşık 14saat sonra bana asgıdakı gıbı bır maıl geldı ve halaaaa acılmıor maıllerım. sınır olmus durumdayım yardımcı olursanız sewınırım....
Hello Ece,
Thank you for writing to Windows Live Hotmail Technical Support. My name is Andre and please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your message. We appreciate your patience as we handle every customer request as quickly as possible. I gather that you are having issues accessing your xxxxxx
@hotmail.com account. I understand how important it is to have your issue resolved immediately and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Ece, we are currently reviewing all Windows Live Hotmail accounts for any violation of our account policies. I have verified that your
xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com account was closed in accordance with the Windows Live Hotmail Terms of Use (TOU). It is a strict violation of the TOU for our members to send objectionable material of any kind or nature using our service.
To read our Terms of Use, visit
Additional information about Windows Live Hotmail's anti-spam policy can be found here:
Thank you for understanding.
Andre L.
Windows LiveHotmail Technical Support