While the Windows Live team is working on getting the last bits of Windows Live Wave 3 up and running in the next few weeks (like consent.live.com; or, the long-awaited update to Hotmail introducing Messenger right in the mail interface as well as POP access everywhere; or, the Quick Fix Engineering patch of Messenger 2009, which will be published soon as 14.0.8059.0127), we can already look forward to the next phase of Windows Live.
Windows Live Wave 4, being the work title, will be the first version where the Windows Live, Live Mesh, and Office Live teams work together to create new combinations of services. The teams have just started to collect ideas for the next (major) versions of Windows Live Messenger, Mail, Photo Gallery and the rest of the Essentials as well as of the web services Hotmail, Calendar, and Events.
The questions are:
What ideas for features do you have when thinking about Windows Live Messenger, or any other Essentials program?
What have you been missing all the time, and in every new version you hoped that it would be added finally?
Is there anything you got in mind, in regards to better or new Windows Live Web Services – or when it comes to getting different Live Services to work together?
We will take care of gathering your ideas and forwarding them to the Windows Live team to be considered.