

Güncelleme: 24 Ağustos 2009 Gösterim: 2.087 Cevap: 2
Misafir - avatarı
14 Eylül 2007       Mesaj #1
Misafir - avatarı
isveçli grup Draconian`ın başlangıcı 1994 Mayısına dayanıyor. Johan Ericson(davul-vokal), Andy Hindenäs(gitar) ve Jesper Stolpe "Kerberos" adında black metal etkileşimli bir melodic heavy death metal grubu kurdu, birkaç ay sonra vokalist ve şair Ander Jacobsson`un gruba katılmasıyla grup bugünkü ismini aldı. Draconian 27 Ekim 1995`te ilk demosunu kaydetti. "Shades of a lost moon" adlı demoda Jessica Eriksson(flüt,vokal), Susan Arvidson (vokal,klavye) ve Andreas Haag(intro "My Nemesis") de emeği geçenlerden. Fakat demo gruubun arkadaşı olan gitarist Magnus "Bergis" Bergström da gruba katılıncaya dek yayınlanmamış. İlk demo "Shades of a lost moon" yayınlanmasının ardından dünya çapında iyi tepkiler aldıysa da grup herhangi bir kontrat imzalamamıştı. Ocak 97`nin sonunda Draconian 2. demosu In Glorious Victory`yi kaydetti. Fakat ses kalitesinden memnun kalmayınca demoyu yayınlamamaya karar verdiler. Sonraki aylar grup iki elemanın askerlik görevleri sebebiyle daha az üretkendi. Klavyede kişisel sebeplerle gruptan ayrılan Susan Arvidsson`un yerini Andreas Karlsson aldı. Daha sonra grup tarzını gotik metalin atmosferik, melodik ve duygusal bir türü olarak belirledi.
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
Ağustos 99 başlarında grup The Closed Eyes of Pradise`ı kaydetmek için tekrar stüdyodaydı. Albüm şeytan, O`nun düşmüş melekleri, Tanrının gerçek yüzü ve gelecekteki savaşı konu alıyordu. Susanne Arvidsson misafir olarak vokallerde yer aldı. Fakat maalesef kayıtlar yine kötü prodüksiyon yüzünden Draconian`ın yüksek standartlarına uygun değildi. 2000 yılının Mayıs-Haziran ayları boyunca Andreas Karlsson, Anders Jacobsson ve Johan Ericson demonun kalitesini yükseltmek için uğraştılar. Yeni melodiler ve efektler eklediler. Emekler işe yaradı ve demo sonunda yayınlandı. Draconian daha sonra yeni şeylere konsantre oldu. Soundları daha yavaş, daha karanlık ve daha doom bir hal aldı. 2 şarkılık tanıtımları Frozen Features internette ve cd formatında yayınlandı. Frozen Features`ın kaydından kısa bir süre sonra Andy Hindenäs gruptan izin aldı. Yerini davulu Jerry Torstensson`a bırakan Johan aldı. Bu arada demoları da eleştirmenler ve gotik metal dinleyicileri tarafından ilgi görüyordu. 2002 yazında son bir demo kaydettiler-Dark Oceans We Cry... Daha sonra grup Napalm Recordsla kontrat imzaladı. Daha sonra grup Temmuz 2003`te ilk albümleri Where Lovers Mourn`u kaydetti. Albüm aynı yıl 21 Ekim`de piyasaya sürüldü. Çoğu şarkı öncekilerin tekrar kaydedilmişiydi fakat albümdeki 3 yeni şarkı onların gotik metal birikimini gösteriyordu. Sonraki sene grup daha sert,karanlık ve daha doom bir sound üzerinde çalışmaya başladı. Pelle Saether`ın direktörlüğünde grup Arcane Rain Fell`i kaydetmek üzere stüdyoya girdi. Albüm düşmüş melekler hakkındaydı.Ayrıca grubun en popüler şarkısı "Death come near me" yeni 15 dakikalık versiyonuyla albümde yerini aldı ve şarkıda Amerikan Doom/Death grubu Necare`den Ryan Henry de misafir edildi...


By day I sleep, by night I weep!

O Death, come near me!
Be the one for me, be the one (the one) who stays.
My rivers are frozen, and mischosen,
And the shadows around me sickens my heart.

O Death, come near me,
and stay (by my side). Hear my silent cry!
In sadness I'm veiled, to the cross I am nailed,
And the pain around me freezes my world.
My cold world...

In life I've failed,
for years I've wailed.
Frozen in time... left behind...
The rapture of grief is all to find...
The rapture of grief is all!

Behind the shadow of life the lost hopes are grieving.
I seek the night and hope to find love...
So I drown in the silence of lifes short eternity.
The tears fills the void in my heart astray...

Embrace me now, delightful ease!
Give me a world of wonderous peace!
Calm the desperate scream in my heart!

O Death, come near me,
save me from this empty, cold world!
O Life, you have killed me,
so spare me from this couldron of misery!

In life I cry, away I fly...
Chosen to fall within these walls.
The rapture...
The rapture of grief is all!

Oh, shed a tear for the loss of innocense,
for the forsaken spirits who aches... in us.
Cry for the heart who surrenders to pain,
for the solitude of those left behind!

Behold the pain and sorrow of the world,
dream of a place away from this nightmare.
Give us love and unity, under the heart of night.
O Death, come near us, and give us life!

I this world of pain I am better of dead!
Give me love, or give me... death!

O Death, come near me!
I have summoned you!


Deprived of my treasure, my "aye" to life;
My peace of mind after sunset's occurrence
Away I walk to ye doleful masquerade;
My ravening and my words becometh aghast

The sun rises high, my feelings they die
Daylight misery... (leave me be)

Another day will go astray...
Another tear in this life so grey
If you ever saw me smile
You should know I felt sick inside

O, death, with thy ebony cloak sublime,
How abstract thy harvest rose doth fall
Consigned to the flames of woe in sweet modesty...
I renounce myself from the everdawn

No god is as cruel as god himself
It's time to show the true face
No life is as dead as life itself;
This earthly realm imprisons my soul

Innocence raped in the sunrise,
And I watch how the beauty dies

Another day will go astray...
Another tear in this life so grey
If you ever saw me smile
You should know I felt sick inside

Another day will go astray...
Another tear in this life so grey
If you ever saw me smile
You should know I felt sick inside


When our flames were lit by chaos...
We knew not the grip; the bondage of light
Then he waved his sceptre, and cosmos was formed
Too late we knew our freedom was lost

He blinded us; polluted our minds and forced us to drink his blood

I will show the world god's true face, I will let the thunder roar... forevermore
I've deceived his world, but regained paradise in the fire of my soul...
(But) in the death of wind I sleep, as I wail this petrified landscape
Chaos, anguish... an optimum affection in the clarity of certainty... so empty

[The voice of the dark soulsMsn Inlove
"Mighty lucifer - thou art the light that leads to darkness
AS much as I praise thee, I love thee without praise...
As much as I love myself, I adore thee relentlessly
Thou art our true father; the wine of venus, the essence of our hope"

Death, solemn death of the reaper's star, devour his legacy from afar
I fumble... live... I fall... die; isolated in the crowds of god... and suffering
In between lurks the everlasting absence... for my dark euphoria
Thence I am sovran created, like in heaven, myself... and I fell in fury

The indolence of solitude may drive out the soul of its sermon,
And memory shall be lost to the blood which hopelessly pulsates

The indolence of solitude may drive out the soul of its sermon,
and memory shall be lost to the blood which hopelessly pulsates... our excruciating hearts

"Is this the region, this the soil, the clime,
This the seat that we must change for heav'n,
This mournful gloom for that celestial light?
Be it so, since hee who now is sovran can dispose and bid what shall be right...
Fardest from him is best whom reason hath equald
Force hath made supreme above his equals
Farewel happy fields where joy for ever dwells...
Hail horrours, hail infernal world, and thou profoundest hell
Receive thy new possessor...
One who brings a mind not to be chang'd by place or time"

In this abyss we shall be free
Here we shall celebrate the coming war


While stars outspread the night-time watch
and wind through darkened treetops swirl;
I slowly bow my frozen features
in grief, in sadness and in woe...
in grief, in sadness and in woe.

In solitude forever!

Forever I see, forever I hear, forever I smell,
forever I taste and forever I feel the solitude...

No voice (no voice), no hand (no hand) of human source
can reach me (reach me) in this place...
though fallen (fallen) figures (figures) closely passes
and invites me (invites me) into somber dance...
this somber dance!

Cold and desolate my soul turns grey,
(and) alone I witness the neverending day.

My wasted dreams lie silent and dead
within this darkened tears I shed...
this darkened tears I shed.

In solitude forever!

So lonely I stand on this tortured cliff
hearing distant cosmic echoes calling;
beckons me to decline this withered beauty
and leave this lie to greet the night...
the night without an end.

The solitude...

This solitary life...
Maybe I should just end it all...
Yes, I should just end it all!


I’ve cried a river for you to swim
to let you know the state we’re in.
I’ve dreamt a vision for you to see He’s dreamt a vision for us to see,
that the night is the only worthy key that night is the worthy key…
(and the sound of silent cries
is heard throughout the skies".

I have seen Heaven’s sleep, We have felt Heaven’s sleep,
and I’ve watched the angels weep, our God hath made us weep
they are slaves of fear and pain
(that is ruled by a god insane).
I know that the night will save us all O Lucifer, O Morningstar…
as long we praise the dragons call. how we praise your ancient fall…

Eternal seems the time,
but the only true love will remain,
and darkness shall rise up to Heaven
to embrace the last, final prayer...
Cause the grace of His word once spoken
is now shattered by a promise broken.

"So curse the tyrant, curse the light,
for we are free here in the (endless) night. How free we could be in the night…
So embrace the sorrow, kiss the tears…
follow the wind to erase your fears, Follow the wind, follow the sign…
for the fires burn bright, the fires of blue,
and in the end it will burn in all of you."

The war will come,
apocalyptic storms of a tortured silence
as God oppresses His last, final soul…
and eternal seems the time,
but the only true love will remain,
and darkness shall rise up to Heaven
to embrace the last, final prayer…
So deny God’s light and His words spoken…
We regain Heaven and crush His skull wide open!

"I’ve cried a river for you to swim,
to let you know the state we’re in.
I’ve sent a message throughout the stars, He’s sent a message throughout the stars,
for His kingdom is full of scars. God’s kingdom is full of scars.
I am Lucifer, the angel of light He is Lucifer, O Lucifer…
come with me and love the night!

And legions of angels out from Heav’n fly…
Oh, how they soar above the mountains high!

I am the Light…
That Leads to Darkness!
I am the Night…
Behold Pandemonium!" Behold Pandemonium
macabria - avatarı
17 Aralık 2007       Mesaj #2
macabria - avatarı
hoş bi grup tabi.where lovers mourn albumunu tavsiye ederim.the cry of silence ı mutlaka dinleyin ya.12 dk sürüyo am olsun yinede dinleyin sizNo Angel
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
i_ly - avatarı
24 Ağustos 2009       Mesaj #3
i_ly - avatarı
Grup üyeleri
Anders Jacobsson - Vokal (1995-)
Lisa Johansson - Vokal (2002-)
Johan Ericson - Bas gitarist, yardimci vokal (1994-)
Daniel Arvidsson - Ritm gitar (2005-)
Jerry Torstensson - Bateri (2000-)
Fredrik Johansson - Bas gitar (2006-)
Andreas Karlsson - Keyboard, yapimci(1997-)